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Monday, 11 March 2013

How to Swap Two Numbers without Temp or Third variable

How to swap two numbers without temp variable

approach 1:

int a = 10;
int b = 20;

System.out.println("value of a and b before swapping, a: " + a +" b: " + b);

//swapping value of two numbers without using temp variable
a = a+ b; //now a is 30 and b is 20
b = a -b; //now a is 30 but b is 10 (original value of a)
a = a -b; //now a is 20 and b is 10, numbers are swapped

System.out.println("value of a and b after swapping, a: " + a +" b: " + b);

value of a and b before swapping, a: 10 b: 20
value of a and b after swapping, a: 20 b: 10

approach 2:

A       B       A^B (A XOR B)
0       0       0 (zero because operands are same)
0       1       1
1       0       1 (one because operands are different)
1       1       0

int a = 2; //0010 in binary
int b = 4; //0100 in binary
System.out.println("value of a and b before swapping, a: " + a +" b: " + b);
//swapping value of two numbers without using temp variable and XOR bitwise operator     
a = a^b; //now a is 6 and b is 4
b = a^b; //now a is 6 but b is 2 (original value of a)
a = a^b; //now a is 4 and b is 2, numbers are swapped
System.out.println("value of a and b after swapping using XOR bitwise operation, a: " + a +" b: " + b);

value of a and b before swapping, a: 2 b: 4
value of a and b after swapping using XOR bitwise operation, a: 4 b: 2

approach 3:

int a = 6;
int b = 3;

System.out.println("value of a and b before swapping, a: " + a +" b: " + b);

//swapping value of two numbers without using temp variable using multiplication and division
a = a*b; //now a is 18 and b is 3
b = a/b; //now a is 18 but b is 6 (original value of a)
a = a/b; //now a is 3 and b is 6, numbers are swapped

System.out.println("value of a and b after swapping using multiplication and division, a: " + a +" b: " + b);

value of a and b before swapping, a: 6 b: 3
value of a and b after swapping using multiplication and division, a: 3 b: 6