Inserting or Updating records using mysql REPLACE INTO
Inserting records into a specific table can be achieved simply by using the INSERT statement while updating records can be done by issuing an UPDATE statement. But what if you are asked for a conditional insert/update? That is, given a specific data, you need to query against a specific table to check whether it was previously inserted. If it does exist, update that record and insert otherwise. Typically, you might solve this first by firing a SELECT statement to check for the record and eventually executing UPDATE or INSERT depending on the result gathered by the the previous query. This means you need 2 statements to achieve the desired result.
Better solution? The result of the two SQL commands above can be achieved using a single query – using REPLACE INTO. REPLACE statement works the same way as the INSERT query. The only difference is the way they handle duplicate records. If there exists a unique index on a table and you attempted to insert a record that has a key value that’s previously inserted, that record will be deleted first and will insert the new record.
REPLACE syntax is also similar to the INSERT statement.
REPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED] [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)] {VALUES | VALUE} ({expr | DEFAULT},...),(...),...
REPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED] [INTO] tbl_name SET col_name={expr | DEFAULT}, ...
REPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED] [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)] SELECT ...
Below are some examples of REPLACE statements in different forms:
- Single row REPLACE
REPLACE INTO pet (id, type, name) VALUES(1, 'Dog', 'Pluto');
- Multiple row REPLACE
REPLACE INTO pet (id,name,age) VALUES(1, 'Dog', 'Pluto'), VALUES(2, 'Cat', 'Furry'), VALUES(3, 'Bird', 'Chloe');
- Singe row REPLACE with SET
REPLACE INTO pet SET id = 1, type= 'Dog', name = 'Pluto'
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